About Adrenal Fatigue

Supporting Adrenal Fatigue with Supplements: 3 Common Mistakes


In a perfect world, there would be a magic pill to help us recover from adrenal fatigue instantly.

In the fast paced world we live in, this is something many are searching for.. and in attempt to support and repair their adrenals, many spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on natural health products.

Here at HealYourAdrenalFatigue.com (HYAF), we are big proponents of a holistic approach to recovery.
The truth is that though in some cases a major trauma can fatigue the adrenals very quickly, for the majority, the path to burnout has been a slow and steady build over a longer period of time.  Of course, we each have a different story, but my point is that when it comes to adrenal recovery-- there is no magic pill and it can take a while for things to come back into balance. 

There is no magic pill. 

Even though there is no quick fix, supplements can be a wonderful way to help support and nourish a depleted body. They can be a helpful tool to incorporate into your holistic recovery plan.

Today, I'm excited to share with you some supplement tips and tricks to optimize their effects and also, to highlight some of the common mistakes I see occurring all the time with our clients in practice. 

Mistake #1: absorption is hindered by gut health issues

I see this all the time, people with all sorts of adrenal fatigue symptoms taking various supplements in tablet, capsule or soft gel form. 
I'm not saying that this in itself is a bad thing, but many AF sufferers struggle with the integrity of their intestinal health, hence all the digestive issues we experience.
To maximize the bang for your buck, you want to make sure that you're able to breakdown, absorb and metabolize the supplements you are taking. Makes sense right? 

Recommendation: acknowledge gut health situation and start there first

When considering starting a supplement plan, first check-in with your gut health. How has your digestion/elimination been lately?
If you suspect this needs attention, then I recommend starting with some gut health focused supplements and dietary tweaks first.

  • Have a glass of lemon water before meals

  • Focus on chewing food very well to take stress of the digestive process

  • Supplementing L-Glutamine Powder (5 grams mixed with a glass of water before bed) to help with repair of the intestinal lining

  • Digestive Enzymes (take with each meal to help with breakdown and absorption)

  • Try taking a combination powder supplement that helps restore gastrointestinal integrity such as this one.

  • If you are anxious to add some sort of adrenal support to the mix, you could start lightly with some ashawaghanda root powder, which you can add to smoothies, chia puddings, elixirs and more.

Mistake #2:Not using the right type of supplement for your stage of adrenal fatigue

This is another big one. We can easily read suggestions and success stories on forums of Facebook groups from others who have or are struggling with adrenal fatigue, but every body is different and the stage of adrenal fatigue you are in makes a big difference in the way that natural compounds (like certain herbs and glandulars) behave. The way you want these compounds to behave will depend on what your cortisol picture looks like.   For instance, if you find struggle to get out of bed in the morning (a sign that your cortisol is too low when it is supposed to be high), then you will want to avoid herbal formulas that are created to help reduce cortisol.  On the opposite side of the spectrum, if you're tired but wired at night, it could mean your cortisol level is too high when it should be low-- and using adaptogenic herbs of stimulatory nature at this time can actually exacerbate this issue.  Certain adaptogenic herbs like maca, panax ginseng, licorice and holy basil have their time and place, but when used at the wrong stage of burnout can result in a completely opposite reaction to what was desired in the first place. This is because they stimulate a cortisol boost which is not good for over active adrenals or adrenals that are burnt-out. 

Recommendation: Know your stage or start with simple nutrients instead of herbs

I recommend professional testing to get a baseline of where your adrenals are at and clear insight on what's going on hormonally. Though an investment up front, this will take out the guessing component and help you create a plan that is specific and tailored to your needs. If I had done this from the get go when I was struggling, I would of saved hundreds and hundreds of dollars that I spent experimenting with different supplements. Working with a professional can make all the difference in selecting the right supplements, at the right doses for your body, to help you see and feel the results of your recovery efforts more effectively. 

If you'd rather not get tested or if you just want to start somewhere, then I recommend opting for basic co-founding nutrients that the body can use (and needs to use) in any stage of adrenal fatigue. 

  • Magnesium

  • Vitamin C

  • B-complex (especially B5 and B6)

  • Zinc

Mistake #3: doing too much at once

Being over zealous and going out and purchasing a whole bunch of different products and superfoods at one time can be over stimulating for the body. 
Without understanding what to take, how and in what form to take it, and at what dose you should take it in, can actually impede your recovery and in some cases, when taking too much of something at the wrong time, even make things worse.  This can occur for instance, if you are over stimulating your adrenals in the early stages of adrenal fatigue when they are already in over drive, or again in the later stages when they are burnt out. 

When you jump into taking numerous sorts of adrenal support at once, it's hard to tell which is causing which benefit/reaction you may be experiencing and the truth is, when you start taking something new, your probably won't notice any benefit for at least 2 weeks. 

Recommendation: Start start slow

I know I've said it before, but for best results, I will have to recommend working with a professional. The time, money and guess work it will spare you is truly significant.
I know you though, you're antsyin the meantime right? Wondering what you can do right now?  If you're wanting to start somewhere today then I recommend considering the tips I have laid out above, and starting with one herbal or adrenal nutrient complex formula that makes sense for you. I encourage you to do your research. 

By starting slow,  you can pay close attention to how your body feels and how it feels with what you have added. 

Example: After checking in with your gut health and determining what stage of adrenal fatigue you are in, you can start with a one adrenal focused herbal or glandular supplement/formula and see how you feel while on it. 

  • Start with co-factor nutrients as mentioned above or an adrenal formula that includes these nutrients along with some sort of adaptogenic properties

    • ake note of certain symptoms you are experiencing and gauge them between 1 and 10 so you can look back and see how these change after taking the supplement for a few weeks. For example, you can note questions like the following:

      • How tired are you in the morning on a scale of 1 to 10?

      • How tired are you in the afternoon at 3:00 on a scale of 1 to 10?

      • How wired are you in the evening on a scale of 1 to 10?

  • Re-assess after 3 weeks and see how things are going

  • Remember that with the adrenals finding the right support for you can be very much a trial and error process, this is enhanced by the fact that as your support your body in "adapting" to stress and situations with "adaptogenic herbs", that sometimes they adapt to the supplements you are taking. On this note, adrenal support formulas need to be monitored and assessed and re-interpreted fairly regularly to help keep them effective. We recommend sticking with some sort of adrenal supportive supplement regimen for at least 3 months when it comes to working towards recovery, and if further support is needed after 3 months you can re-asses and re-structure the regimen as needed.

Supplements can be confusing in general on a good day, but throw something complicated like adrenal fatigue into the mix and it seems like it gets a whole lot more complicated doesn't it?  I made you a quick guide to help bring more clarity on how to use supplements to support adrenal fatigue effectively (and safely).   I hope this brings a If you have yet to be tested and want to start supporting your adrenals with supplements- this list of herbs and nutrients that you can use in the various stages of adrenal fatigue are all laid out for you in the guide below! 

As I mentioned, though this is just one part of the recovery puzzle it can be a great help and an awesome support to the rest of your self care and recovery steps
I have seen clients eating all the right food and taking all the right supplements, but not progressing with their recovery at the level that they were hoping because of the fact that they were neglecting the mindfulness component and self-care in other areas. The needs and care each body needs is unique, just like us. 

Wishing you all the best on your path to recovery and if you have a supplement that has absolutely been a life saver along your recovery journey, please share it in the comments below along with what stage of adrenal fatigue you used it in. 

All the best,






My struggle with adrenal fatigue...there I am lying on the bathroom floor...

my adrenal fatigue struggle.jpg

So there I am lying on my bathroom floor, tears streaming down my face as my dreams of being a mother crash down around me. I’m lying there, losing my baby...

I get you, you’re struggling. I know how you feel. It’s been very real for me.

Just 3 years ago, I was experiencing the worst health of my life. My health had been going downhill for several years at that point, but I was a pretty healthy person so I didn’t’ really understand what was going on. And from the outside I looked perfectly healthy. What was I complaining about? Was I a hypochondriac?

The truth is I was miserable every day and then my poor health lead to the most difficult experience of my life.  

Before I was diagnosed with stage 3 adrenal fatigue, for years I was waking up every morning exhausted, feeling like I didn’t even sleep, anxious constantly about eating because of my food sensitivities, and in pain and irritable from skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

I was experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism and poor digestion, my vision of getting progressively worse and my allergies got really bad, to where I couldn’t taste, smell or breathe through my nose. I was always sick and my memory was declining, and I felt like no one understood me and some even thought I was crazy.

In those few years, I saw numerous doctors, traditional and alternative, various health specialists and none of them could figure out what was wrong with me, and every time I left an appointment, I felt hopeless and frustrated because I wasn’t getting ANY answers.

One doctor told me in order to manage my symptoms I was going to have to take several medications for the rest of my life and that terrified me.

I didn’t think it could get any worse and then it did...

The worst part of it all was I was too sick and in pain to even enjoy life, so I missed out. I was at the lowest point of my life. I imagine many of you here can relate. I didn't think it could get any worse and then it did...

It was 2012, my husband and I were desperately trying to get pregnant for over a year. Even though that wasn’t that long in the grand scheme of things we were starting to question if it was possible. Meanwhile, my health just kept declining. After a year of failed attempts, I realized that my health was so poor that it was best to take a break from trying. I needed to make my own health the priority. 

It was only a couple months later that we found out, we are in fact 8 weeks pregnant. Of course we are ecstatic after our struggle with infertility and starting the preparations to be parents. We spent the next couple of weeks, making doctors’ appointments and interviewing midwives and doulas, we are imagining this little being in our lives. I was so nauseous, exhausted and ravenous. My breasts were achy, but it didn’t matter, because our dreams had finally come true.


the nightmare began 2 weeks after my 12 week ultrasound...

I remember this day like it was yesterday. There I am lying on my bathroom floor, tears streaming down my face as my dreams of being a mother crash down around me. I’m lying there, losing my baby. I’m in so much physical pain, but it’s nothing compared to the excruciating emotions I felt as I lay there, trying to digest this trauma of losing the child I will never know. As I look into my husband’s eyes, I feel shame, pure devastation and complete, utter heart break. In this moment I feel so powerless.

The next few days were a blur and I wasn’t sure how to move on. I was at the end of my rope. I had hit rock bottom.

It was in this dark place that I made a decision, a decision that would change my life forever.

I decided that I wouldn't live like this any longer.  I was going to take control of my health, once and for all, so I wouldn’t have to feel this powerless ever again.

I refused. I was going to get to the bottom of my health issues. And that was the day everything change. I spent the next few months researching like crazy, reading whatever I could get my hands on, learning as much as I could. After a few months of this,  I finally got real answers. 

I was diagnosed with stage 3 adrenal fatigue by my amazing Acupuncturist. And with that diagnosis, things FINALLY started making sense. Thank goodness!!

I got on a healing protocol and started working with a handful of different practitioners addressing not only my symptoms and my hormones, but the mental and emotional parts of myself. It was clear what had caused my adrenal fatigue, years of chronic stress without REAL joy and relaxation. So, I said goodbye to these old sabotaging patterns and started to make ME a priority. I started incorporating mindfulness practices and self-care in to my daily routine. I started working to change my mindset around my health. 

I made lots of mistakes along my recovery journey, but once I had an action plan that addressed all parts of myself; mind, body and spirit, I did heal from stage 3 adrenal fatigue very quickly and without drugs. 

My recovery taught me to believe and always keep fighting even when doctors tell you it’s hopeless. Through my roller-coaster of a journey, I finally became the person I've always desired to be healthy, balanced and most importantly happy. And even better,  I got pregnant soon after and had a very healthy baby boy. 

But my journey wasn't over. Unfortunately, I saw so many people in the Facebook groups I was a part of, struggling so much with adrenal fatigue. When I shared that I healed from stage 3, everyone kept asking me how I did it. So I shared my story and how I did it.

But, people wanted more. They were craving a plan, a system. 

I was hearing heart-breaking story after heartbreaking story, wishing I could do something else to help.

I didn't want so many people to have to go through what I did or worse.

But who was I to do anything?

After months of wondering what to do and how to help, I realized something...

I could in fact help.

This inspired me to create the healyouradrenalfatigue.com community with lots of free resources. I spent countless hours, despite having a newborn, recording many how-to videos of what I had learned for my YouTube channel "Adrenal Fatigue TV". And over the past few years, I brought together a team of experts to develop an AF recovery program.

So even though my struggle was painful, devastating, heart-breaking it seems worth it in a way because now I can help thousands around the world who are also struggling with adrenal fatigue and having similar experiences with their health like infertility, miscarriage and so much more. 

If you're reading this and can relate in some shape or form, please share a comment below. Your share could be just what someone else needs to hear.

Adrenal Hormones - 5 Herbs to Balance Hormones Naturally

Are you having trouble balancing your hormones?  You’ve tried prescription drugs, but you’re having negative side effects.  Or the drug isn't working? Are you interested in a more natural approach? You’ve tried balancing hormones naturally and it's still not working for you? Well, we want to give you the top five adrenal hormone balancing herbs for women. These herbs will help balance the hormones that are commonly affected in adrenal fatigue sufferers.


Top 5 Herbs For Adrenal Hormone Balance

1. Shatavari

Shatavari is an herb mostly used in ayurvedic medicine. It is known as a female tonic and it's good for all female hormones. This herb supports energy levels and is a very nourishing herb that supports adrenal hormones.

2.  Tulsi or Holy Basil

Most people have seen this herb used in teas. Tulsi is energizing so it's a good morning tea. It supports your adrenals and nervous system.

3. Chaste Tree Berry

Chaste Tree Berry is mostly used for female hormones. These female hormones are often affected by adrenal fatigue. So Chaste Tree Berry is good for balancing menstrual cycles and the hormones LH and FSH number.

4. Licorice Root


Licorice Root supports healthy estrogen levels. It supports adrenal hormones and it’s very nourishing. It makes for a great tea. If you have frequent sugar cravings this is a great way to curb those cravings. Licorice root also promotes liver detox.

5. Rhodiola

Rhodiola is very supportive for adrenal hormones, your thyroid and energy levels.

So, there you go the top 5 adrenal hormone balancing herbs for women.

Now, we’d love to hear from you. You are a part of our community and your shares could be just what someone else needs to hear. So please take a moment to drop us a line below.

We’d love to know. What herbs are you most interested in trying?

Or which of these herbs have you tried and been most supportive?


Dr. Holly German

Test for Adrenal Fatigue - 3 Simple Ways to Test

Wondering if your low energy and chronic fatigue could be adrenal fatigue?  But, you don't want to pay for testing just yet? We want to help you test for adrenal fatigue for free and in the convenience of your own home. So we are going to give you 2 free at-home tests today. This way you can get some answers before you spend any money. We also want to tell you about the most comprehensive medical test for adrenal fatigue out there.

We recommend you get some answers soon. If you think you have adrenal fatigue you don’t want to ignore it as this condition can lead to many chronic health conditions if left untreated.

Go ahead and start with these 2 at-home tests for adrenal fatigue. But, please keep in mind that the best diagnosis is one that looks at the whole picture. For example, a range of tests, symptoms, and signs.

This will require 2 things:

  1. Patience on your part

  2. A practitioner that has experience and thorough knowledge of the various systems of the body.

Okay, so back to the tests.

Test #1 - Orthostatic Hypotension Test

  1. Take blood pressure after lying down for 2 + minutes

  2. Then take blood pressure immediately on rising

In a healthy person, the blood pressure will drop momentarily upon standing and then quickly come back to a higher level.

In adrenal fatigue, the blood pressure stays low for an extended period of time. This leads to dizziness and lightheadedness.

Orthostatic hypotension is when a person's blood pressure falls dramatically when suddenly standing up or stretching. In medical terms, it is defined as a fall in systolic blood pressure of at least 20 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure of at least 10 mm Hg when a person assumes a standing position.

Test #2  - The Iris Contraction Test

The iris test for adrenal fatigue is a simple test that measures your body’s stamina to respond to light.

This test will only take a few minutes and all you will need is a dark room, a flashlight, a mirror and a watch or clock. Essentially you will go into a dark room or closet with a flashlight, mirror, and watch or clock. After being in the dark for a couple of minutes, you will shine the flashlight on the side of your eye and look for how your eyes respond to the light.

For the full list of instructions on how to conduct this test, check out this blog…

Test #3 - Adrenal Stress Index

The Adrenal Stress Index test is the most comprehensive test for adrenal fatigue available. This is a saliva test that you would get through a Naturopathic doctor or a functional medicine practitioner. This is not something you can get from a traditional medical doctors office or an endocrinologist. We want to be clear that this test is not free. But, the great thing is that you get the kit from the doctor’s office or it’s sent to you in the mail and you can do the test in the convenience of your home.

An adrenal stress index test looks at 4 cortisol readings. You will take 4 saliva samples; first in the morning, second around noon, third in the afternoon, and the fourth in the evening. These readings are looking to see if your cortisol rhythm in keeping within the normal circadian rhythm. The normal circadian rhythm is elevated in the morning, declines and goes lower in the afternoon. In adrenal fatigue people either have high cortisol levels because their stress response is really intensified all the time or they can be flat-lined. This would result in a feeling of fatigue.

Most Adrenal Stress Index tests also test for DHEA, a hormone that the adrenals produce that is a precursor to your sex hormones. It is important that you get a test that tests both cortisol and DHEA.

If signs and testing show that in fact, you have adrenal fatigue, here at healyouradrenalfatigue.com we want to help you get the tools you need to heal so you can get your life back. We have put together a starter kit of great resources. This kit includes a shopping list, a daily healing routine, recipes and more. We want to give you the starter kit absolutely free so you can take the uncertainty and overwhelming feelings out of the equation. All you have to do is enter your name and email below and it's yours.

Now we’d love to hear from you in the comments below. What are your burning questions? How can we help you? You’re not alone, so reach out and your comments or questions could help someone else on their healing journey. So take a moment now to drop us a line below.


Dr. Holly German and Angela

Adrenal Fatigue Stages

If you think you may have adrenal fatigue, it’s important to know which of the adrenal fatigue stages you are in because the treatment options will vary from state to stage. First of all, adrenal fatigue staging is done after a doctor - usually a naturopathic doctor does a saliva test called an adrenal stress index. This test will show you your cortisol levels during 4 times of the day - morning, around noon, later afternoon, and nighttime. It should also test your DHEA levels, DHEA is another hormone produced by the adrenals. Blood cortisol and DHEA levels cannot be used to assess which of the 3 adrenal fatigue stages you are in.

Stage 1 Adrenal Fatigue: Stimulation

We call this stage the stimulation stage. Stage 1 of adrenal fatigue is the one people are least likely to seek help for because they usually don’t feel too bad. In this stage people sometimes describe feeling alert and energized. It often comes about during and after a time of stress or anxiety.

Imagine the feeling of anticipating a big event the following day - you aren’t very hungry, you can’t sleep well, your mind is racing, your body is tense, you might feel excited or anxious. These feelings come from elevated epinephrine or adrenaline and elevated cortisol. But instead of having those feelings come and go quickly after the event has passed, Stage 1 adrenal fatigue sufferers may feel like this for many months at a time.

Eventually, the adrenals will tire of creating excess adrenaline and cortisol for so long and will be unable to sustain this production. That leads us to stage 2.

Stage 2 Adrenal Fatigue: Depletion

The hallmark of stage 2 is a feeling of depletion. The adrenaline and cortisol that was acting as a potent fuel in Stage 1 will now be produced in fits and spurts. So in this stage people will have periods of higher anxiety alternating with periods of fatigue. Or they may feel bursts of energy during a few hours of the day and then crash in the afternoons. Energy levels and moods will be very inconsistent so cravings for caffeine and sugar will be intense. I often find patients in this state will feel that need coffee in the mornings and wine at night. It’s hard for them to wake up and also hard to wind down.

Since DHEA levels are also starting to get depleted, symptoms of sex hormone imbalance may also start to show up. Sex hormones are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. That leads us to stage 3.

Stage 3 Adrenal Fatigue: Burnout

Stage 3 is when the adrenals are out of fuel. Adrenaline, Cortisol, and DHEA levels will all be low. Most people in this stage will feel fatigued most of the day and will have a generally flat affect. Everything feels hard. Coffee and sugar may still produce a little energy, but not as much as they once did. The low adrenal hormone levels can contribute to things like PMS, infertility, menopausal challenges, low thyroid, and poor digestion. It probably comes as no surprise that stage 3 is often when people seek support because they simply cannot function as they once did.

So there you have it. Those are the 3 adrenal fatigue stages. You may be able to tell based on your symptoms which stage you are in but I still highly recommend that you get tested so you can start your road to recovery with the most targeted protocol possible. It is easier to recover from stages 1 and 2,  but even stage 3 adrenal fatigue is reversible.

As I mentioned earlier, the course of treatment will depend on the stage of adrenal fatigue you are in. 
We made you a great cheatsheet resource! It will provide clarity on the different stages of adrenal fatigue and the types of supplemental treatment that is appropriate for each stage. Did you know that supplementing the wrong type of natural compound at the wrong stage of adrenal fatigue can actually lead to more burnout?  You definitely want to avoid this. Learn the in's and out's on supplementing for your stage by clicking the image below. 

To getting answers, 

Dr. Holly German