About Adrenal Fatigue

The Connection Between Adrenal Fatigue & Leaky Gut

The connection between adrenal fatigue and leaky gut is something we see all the time with our clients.The truth is, stress takes a toll on our body on all levels. Even though our digestive system is quite resilient and very efficient at handling stressors, the effect of chronic stress on our digestive system over time leaves a mark.

Do you notice that you suddenly are very sensitive and reacting to foods you used to eat regularly? Are you noticing more gastrointestinal discomfort after meals (bloating, cramping, gas, constipation or other IBS symptoms)?


This is SO so common for those suffering from adrenal fatigue and Leaky Gut could be to blame.

Some Signs and Symptoms of Leaky Gut

  • Food allergies or intolerance (especially if you notice these are increasing or getting worse)

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)- gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhea

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)- like Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis

  • Auto Immune Disease

  • Skin issues such as acne, eczema and psoriasis

  • Anxiety or depression

  • Seasonal allergies or asthma

  • Candida overgrowth (chronic yeast infections, athlete's foot, etc)

  • Chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia

The Link Between Adrenal Fatigue & Leaky Gut

The link between adrenal fatigue and leaky gut cannot be overlooked.

When the junctions that line our intestinal wall become loose (from exposure to chronic stress), and bacteria, viruses, undigested food particles and toxic waste products can leak from the inside of your intestines into your blood stream.  This sets off an inflammatory immune cascade. These loose intestinal junctions and increased intestinal permeability is also known as "Leaky Gut".

Because your adrenals help your body adapt to all the different stressors it is exposed to, this "leak" implicates the adrenals every time it happens. At the same time, leaky gut can indicate that your body is not absorbing the nutrients you are consuming (via food and/or supplements) well.  This means your adrenals (and the rest of the cells in your body) aren't receiving optimal nutrition. If you are trying to recover from adrenal fatigue, addressing this gut connection is imperative.

Leaky gut can be caused by chronic stress and adrenal fatigue and adrenal fatigue can be caused or made worse by leaky gut.

In order to recover from adrenal fatigue, your body needs to be able absorb and utilize the key nutrients it needs to function. It is very difficult to recover when your body is depleted because a depleted body is in a state of chronic stress.

Curious on what steps you can take to heal leaky gut and improve nutrition right now?  Check out our post on how to improve your digestion with adrenal fatigue now. 

Improve Digestion With Adrenal Fatigue

So most likely if you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue you have experienced poor digestion at one time or another. Maybe you've even had to give up certain foods because you have developed food sensitivities or allergies? That was me just a few years ago. And if you have poor digestion you know how uncomfortable it can be. And to make matters worse, poor digestion can have many other side effects like toxic buildup, poor gut health and poor nutrient absorption, so it’s not something you want to ignore. I will be sharing 5 simple ways to improve digestion with adrenal fatigue. So, lets dive in!

1. Chew slowly and chew well!

So simple right? You might not know this but the process of digestion starts right away in the mouth. An enzyme, amylase in saliva helps the initial digestion of foods, particularly starches.

2. Add Glycosaminoglycans

Glycosaminoglycans are found in things like bone broth and gelatin. They help build healthy nutrients for the gut.

3. Eating Fermented Foods Regularly & Consider a High-Quality Probiotic

Fermented foods include natural probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria you need in your digestive tract in order to properly digest your food and help with nutrient absorption.

If you’re like me and grew up taking antibiotics, that kill beneficial bacteria in the gut, most likely you lack these beneficial bacteria critical for proper digestion. Of course antibiotics have their place, but it just means we need to be proactive about adding the good bacteria back in. We recommend taking a high quality probiotic at least 2-3x/week.

4. Add in Resistant Starches

Resistant starches are a type of dietary fiber naturally found in many carbohydrate-rich foods such as potatoes, grains and beans.  Resistant starches increase your body's ability to burn fat, fills you up and reduces overall hunger. Its health benefits are truly impressive as well. Studies show it improves blood sugar control, boosts immunity, and may even reduce your risk of cancer.

5. Drink Warm Lemon Water or Apple Cider Vinegar Before Meals

Lemon juice is similar to the digestive juices found in the stomach. When you drink lemon juice the liver produces bile, which helps food move through your gastrointestinal tract easily.

Apple cider vinegar is loaded with raw enzymes and gut-friendly bacteria we just talked about that promote gut health and healing.

So I’ve just given you 5 simple ways to improve digestion with adrenal fatigue.

Now I would love to hear from you in the comments below. What is your burning question? Or what has been the most helpful way you’ve improved your digestion? This is a healing community and your comments could be just what someone else needs to hear. So please take a moment to drop us a line below.


Dr. Holly German

For more great health tips check out: https://www.positivehealthwellness.com/

What to Eat on an Adrenal Fatigue Diet

If you've been suffering from adrenal fatigue for some time chances are you have some anxiety when it comes to eating. It's confusing, right? People say go gluten free, vegan, stop eating sugar, go Paleo. There is so much advice out there and often it's conflicting. I am going to take the overwhelm out of the equation and explain what foods to eat and what foods to avoid on an adrenal fatigue diet. And I also am going to tell you how to avoid a very common mistake that many adrenal fatigue sufferers make that further exhausts the adrenals, making it impossible to heal.

There is a reason why there is so much conflicting advice out there. It's because healing from this condition is not a one-size-fits all kind of thing. What works for some, does not work for all.

We recommend you get professional support to follow a diet that is customized to your body and your lifestyle. I'm going to give you a big DIY tip on how to do this and a special gift, just for you so you can apply it to your life right away, so stay tuned.

Foods that Nourish The Adrenals

1. Foods High in Protein and Fats

Fats and proteins break down slowly, so they provide fuel for hours after they are eaten. Carbohydrates break down quickly, so they can contribute to a blood sugar spike and crash, especially simple carbohydrates like breads, pastas, and sweets. And since blood sugar balance is a big part of adrenal fatigue, proteins and fats are helpful to keep blood sugar levels stable which results in more balanced cortisol and epinephrine levels.

2. Eat Nutrient-Dense, Whole Foods

Not getting enough nutrients is a common issue for adrenal fatigue sufferers. Often times this is due to poor nutrient absorption. Poor nutrient absorption could the result of years of or chronic poor digestion and/or other obstacles like leaky gut, parasites, candida overgrowth, etc.

The more nutrient dense foods you eat the better chance your body has at absorbing all the nutrients you need for healing. Great examples of nutrient-dense foods are fresh, plant foods.

3. Eat Fresh, Local Foods  (Preferably Organic & Non-GMO Foods)

Choosing high-quality meats, poultry, dairy (grass-fed, pastured-raised), fruits and vegetables helps you avoid preservatives, added hormones, artificial colors, dyes, and chemicals. These foreign and unnatural substances are harder to process and therefore puts more stress on the body. Eat organic and ideally locally grown (very fresh) foods for maximum nutrient density.

4. Incorporate Good Salt Into Your Diet

If you don't have high blood pressure (which is less likely with adrenal fatigue) it's okay to give into your cravings for salty foods. Make sure you're choosing the right kind of salt. (Learn more about good salt and how to incorporate it into your diet HERE). Your salt cravings are most likely related to low levels of a steroid hormone called aldosterone. This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands and has a central role in regulating blood pressure. When cortisol goes up, aldosterone goes down.

5.  Choose Low-Glycemic Fruits

Blood sugar balance is an issue for many adrenal fatigue sufferers, so go light on fruits especially in the morning. When you do eat fruits think berries, green apples, kiwi, cantaloupe and stone fruits like peaches and plums. Avoid bananas, grapes, dried fruit and oranges. 6. Eat Whole Grains If you eat grains, allow whole grains to be the main source of your carbohydrates. This doesn't just mean whole wheat pasta noodles or whole wheat bread. Eat the whole grain. For example, rolled oats or steel cut oats, quinoa, millet and brown or wild rice.

Foods That Exhaust The Adrenals

1.  Processed Foods

Avoid processed foods as best you can, typically these are foods that come in a box, bag or package. Why because they contain less nutrients than whole foods as typically have lots of preservatives and additives that can stress the body and the adrenal glands.

2.  Stimulants

Avoid stimulants like coffee which create artificial energy followed by a "crash". Keep sugar and alcohol to a minimum. These substances tax the adrenals. Learn how to incorporate coffee alternatives.

3. Foods Your Body is Sensitive/Allergic or Intolerant To

It is important that you eliminate these foods as soon as possible. When you eat these foods it triggers an allergic reaction because your immune system recognizes the food as a foreign substance or allergen. This creates an inflammatory response. The adrenals play an important role in allergic reactions. The adrenals produce the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is in charge of reducing inflammation. When the adrenals are fatigued, it is more difficult to produce the additional amounts of cortisol necessary to counteract the inflammatory response. This becomes a vicious cycle because the more histamines are released because your tired adrenals can't keep up the harder it is for them to produce more cortisol. That is why many people with adrenal fatigue have more allergies or their allergies seem to get worse. These inflammatory molecules can also cause fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pain, mood swings, sleep problems and cognitive difficulties. Not sure what foods you're sensitive to? Do a little trial and error. This will help you identify food sensitivities or allergies. (This is the tip I promised to share with you about how you can eat an adrenal fatigue diet that is more customized to you)

Keep a log for 1 week of what you eat and how you feel. (Keep reading because I give you a tracking tool below to make this super EASY.)

Look for things like:

  • How long does my energy last after eating a meal?

  • Do I have digestive distress?

  • Do I feel hungry even after I’ve just eaten?

Your body is a great messenger system, we just need to make sure we are listening. This is a great start. And no pun intended here, but Trust Your Gut. You know your body better than anyone. If you suspect you have a sensitivity to something, explore it. Wondering, how and where to start eliminating? Start with one food group at a time so you can be sure it's really an issue. If you suspect you're allergic to multiple food groups start with the one you believe you are most sensitive to. Start eliminating that food from your diet as soon as you can. Get support from an expert to find great alternatives, so it doesn't have to feel so overwhelming. Stay with this plan of elimination for 4-6 weeks. Note any changes in your digestion, mood, energy level, skin, etc. And please remember this is only temporary. Most of my patients can go back to eating these foods with no issues after they have healed their adrenal fatigue. So now you know what to eat and what NOT to eat on an adrenal fatigue diet. Just one more thing...

Just as important as WHAT you eat is, WHEN you eat

When you're busy, stressed out and lacking energy it's easy to skip or delay meals. This is not a good idea with adrenal fatigue.

Skipping or delaying meals does the following:

1. Slows down your metabolism, giving your body the message that it needs to conserve energy by storing calories as fat

2. Causes your blood sugar to drop. This puts stress on your adrenal glands because they have to release more cortisol and adrenaline to maintain the body's normal functioning. The adrenals are also in charge of maintaining your blood sugar levels.

3. And finally, when you fast for several hours, it does NOT allow your body to produce glucose which is the primary source of energy for your brain and your nervous system. When you eat, the body breaks down your food and produces glucose. So when you don’t eat, the glucose in your brain decreases, which means less energy. This lack of glucose impairs your concentration, focus, mood and memory.

Now we’d love to hear from you in the comments below. What is your biggest struggle with an adrenal fatigue diet? Or share your best advice. This is a healing community and Your comment could support others on their healing journey. So take a moment to drop us a line below.


Dr. Holly German & Angela

What is Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome? - Symptoms and Causes

Have you been experiencing chronic and debilitating fatigue for some time now? Are you’re starting to wonder if something deeper is going on that is causing the fatigue, like adrenal fatigue syndrome? In this fast-paced world we live in, adrenal fatigue syndrome is becoming all too common. It’s estimated that about 80% of people experience this condition at some point in their lives. However, it is often overlooked and misunderstood by the medical community.

What is Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome?

Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome describes a condition in which your adrenal glands are unable to perform their normal function. This is an issue because the adrenal glands have a very important job. They are in charge of producing over 5o hormones in response to various stressors ((physical, mental, emotional, chemical) we encounter in our day-to-day living. These hormones come to the rescue keep the body balanced. When the adrenal glands can't pump out enough hormones it leads to a variety of symptoms.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue:

  • You’re tired even without having indulged in vigorous activities

  • You sleep 7-8 hours a night, but you wake up exhausted

  • You feel exhausted and weighed down by your responsibilities

  • Recovery from an illness or a stressful situation takes longer than it should

  • You seem to have the most energy after 6:00pm and feel like the day has just begun

  • You can’t seem to digest certain foods although you have never had food allergies before

  • You have a tendency to gain weight and/or have a tough time losing it

  • You have a reduced sex drive

  • You get lightheaded when you get up quickly

  • You often have cravings for salty food

  • You have numbness in your fingers

  • You have Low blood pressure

  • You have frequent urination

  • You have Poor circulation

  • You suffer from Allergies and asthma and maybe you haven’t ever had them before

  • You have a poor immune system, you’re getting sick all the time

How do the adrenals get fatigued in the first place?

The Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

1. Problems in the workplace like a demanding boss, long work hours, or even uncooperative colleagues

2. Death of a family member

3. A difficult Divorce

4. Serious accident

5. Major surgery

6. Financial difficulties

7. Pollution

8. Problematic family situations

9.  Inadequate sleep

10. Overeating

11. Substance abuse

12.  Infections

13. Long illnesses

Again if you have adrenal fatigue, this is not something you want to ignore as it can lead to many long-term health consequences, if left untreated.

Now that you know the adrenal fatigue symptoms and signs, take the Adrenal Fatigue Test.

Now we’d love to hear from you in the comments below.  What is your burning question? What are your biggest symptoms? We are a healing community and your comment could support others on their healing journey. So take a moment to drop us a line below.

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms and Signs

Do you sleep 7-8 hours a night, but still wake up exhausted? Do you often feel exhausted and weighed down by your responsibilities? Is your recovery from an illness or a stressful situation take longer than it should? If you answered yes to any of these statements, you could be suffering from adrenal fatigue. This condition is not something you want to ignore.  It's important you understand adrenal fatigue symptoms and signs so you can identify if you have it or not.

Remember symptoms are an important messenger system of the body. Symptoms tell us when something isn’t working quite right.

Here are the most common adrenal fatigue symptoms and signs so you get a better idea if what you’re experiencing is actually adrenal fatigue or something else?


Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms and Signs

Weight Issues:  Tendency to gain weight in the abdomen and/or have a tough time losing weight

Food cravings: Cravings for salty or sugary foods, sometimes feeling uncontrollable?

Energy: Wired and Tired. Constantly exhausted. You’re tired even without having indulged in vigorous activities. You feel exhausted and weighed down by your responsibilities. You seem to “wake up” after 6:00 pm and feel like the day has just begun

Sleep: Have trouble falling asleep or suffer from insomnia. Wake up frequently through the night or sleep 7-8 hours a night, but you wake up feeling exhausted

Blood pressure:  High or low blood pressure can both be indicators. Getting lightheaded when you get up quickly is associated with low blood pressure

Thinking:  Brain fog.  Hard to stay focused on one task, racing thoughts constantly

Immunity: Recovery from an illness or a stressful situation takes longer than it should

Food Sensitivities/Allergies: Can’t seem to digest certain foods although you have never had food allergies before

Libido: Reduced sex drive

Hormones: Experience severe PMS


Additional symptoms include:

  • Numbness in your fingers

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Frequent urination

  • Poor circulation

  • Allergies worsen or develop allergies later in life

  • Asthma

  • Hair loss

  • Constipation or diarrhea

  • Low Body Temperature

  • Heart palpitations

Again if you have adrenal fatigue, this is not something you want to ignore as it can lead to many long-term health consequences, if left untreated.

Now that you know the adrenal fatigue symptoms and signs, take a simple DIY adrenal fatigue test.

Now we'd love to hear from you in the comments below. What are your biggest symptoms right now? What is your biggest burning question? This is a healing community and your comments could be just what someone else needs to hear. So take a moment to drop us a line below.