Episode #12: Perimenopause + Adrenal Fatigue

Episode #12: Perimenopause + Adrenal Fatigue

Perimenopause is a transitionary time for women and it might surprise you how long this season of our lives can be and how many of the typical symptoms completely align with typical symptoms of burn-out.

It’s safe to say that stress management leading up to and during perimenopause and menopause can make an influential difference in the symptoms (and severity of symptoms you experience.

We hope you find this conversation helpful!

Episode #11: Air Hunger (Dyspnea) When You Have Adrenal Fatigue

Episode #11: Air Hunger (Dyspnea) When You Have Adrenal Fatigue

Air hunger (dyspnea) is a symptom that comes up frequently in our Adrenal Recovery Community. It's a topic that can cause a lot of stress but also be caused by stress too! In today's video, the founders of the Adrenal Recovery Collective (Danielle Zies + Angela Rocchio) are joined by Dr. Hollly German (a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in women's health and hormonal issues) to discuss why air hunger happens from a medical perspective and what you can do about it.

Episode #10: Dealing with Dizziness-- Why this happens and how to overcome!

Episode #10: Dealing with Dizziness-- Why this happens and how to overcome!

In this episode of The Adrenal Fatigue Podcast, we talk about blood sugar balance and the impact of insulin resistance on your hormones. We talk about how stress makes this worse and how most people struggling with adrenal issues have blood sugar issues that go right along with it. The way symptoms overlap is VERY eye-opening and if you haven’t addressed your fatigue issues from this standpoint yet, it’s definitely worth exploring.

Episode #9: Blood Sugar, Insulin Resistance + Adrenal Fatigue-- How to Support All 3!

Episode #9: Blood Sugar, Insulin Resistance + Adrenal Fatigue-- How to Support All 3!

In this episode of The Adrenal Fatigue Podcast, we talk about blood sugar balance and the impact of insulin resistance on your hormones. We talk about how stress makes this worse and how most people struggling with adrenal issues have blood sugar issues that go right along with it. The way symptoms overlap is VERY eye-opening and if you haven’t addressed your fatigue issues from this standpoint yet, it’s definitely worth exploring.

Episode #5: CORTISOL-- the highs, the lows + where to start to balance it.

Episode #5: CORTISOL-- the highs, the lows + where to start to balance it.

Understanding the nuances of high or low cortisol and figuring out what to do can feel very overwhelming.

In this episode, we discuss the big picture, what high cortisol looks like, what low cortisol looks like. What this means for your body and where you need to start when it comes to recovering.

Episode #4: 6 Tips for Having a CRASH-FREE Holiday

Episode #4: 6 Tips for Having a CRASH-FREE Holiday

How would you like to thrive this holiday season?
In this episode, Angela shares 6 tips to having a CRASH-FREE holiday season.

This is a busy and crazy time of year for most, but when you have symptoms of adrenal fatigue it can be so much harder. We want to help arm you with great tips and tools to make it through unscathed and maybe even enjoy yourself.

Episode #3: How to Lose Weight When You Have Adrenal Fatigue

Episode #3: How to Lose Weight When You Have Adrenal Fatigue

In this episode with Dr. Effy Germanis, we discuss the ever-popular question of dealing with stubborn weight gain when you are tired and have adrenal issues.

✨Why we tend to gain weight + hold on to it stubbornly

✨What "cortisol belly" is and how do we start getting rid of it

✨How to address weight issues without further stressing out the body

✨Tons of dietary and lifestyle tips to help support your weight (whether you need to gain or lose)

Episode #2: What It Means If You Have "Adrenal Fatigue"

Episode #2: What It Means If You Have "Adrenal Fatigue"

In this episode we discuss what WE mean when we say “adrenal fatigue”.

It’s not uncommon to hear people say things like “adrenal fatigue isn’t real” or “don’t say you have adrenal fatigue unless you have an adrenal disease”. So today, we are here to clear the air about what we think is a buzz word —even though we use it daily (I mean, we call ourselves Heal Your Adrenal Fatigue)! We want to share why we think it’s important for you to understand the technicalities around this name— so you can get the help you need from your health professionals, but also find answers you’re looking for with more ease.