Hello!  I'm Angela. 

Co-FoundeR + certified health & lifestyle coach + Yoga & meditation Teacher + energy healer + adrenal fatigue survivor

I'm so psyched you're here! Because you're struggling and I"m pretty sure I can help!

Let me guess....You're exhausted, frustrated and wondering if you're going to have to deal with this SH&%! for the rest of your life!

I get it. The process I went through to heal my adrenal fatigue was traumatic to say the least. And I wish I would've had more support along the way. 

And that's why I do, what I do!  

Information is just one piece of the health puzzle

Whether you're at the beginning of your adrenal fatigue recovery journey and you're looking for answers and support with what foods to eat (and not to eat),  vitamins, supplements, herbs supportive for healing, other healing remedies/strategies, incorporating mindfulness and stress-reduction practices or boosting your energy or metabolism...

Or maybe you've been at this awhile and you know what you need to do to heal your body and adrenal fatigue, but you're struggling with knowing where to start or with consistency (staying on track with diet and other healing practices).

I got your back!

Let's face it, making changes to your diet, coping better with stress and getting better sleep is Easier said than done

Even though health is my life, I too have a health coach I see regularly. 

Because having one-on-one guidance and support is a powerful and trans-formative experience! So if you're ready to stop the fatigue madness and nip adrenal fatigue in the BUTT for good, I want to help YOU!

The truth is, you got SH&%! to do in this world and dreams to fulfill, but you can't do any of that right now.  So let me get you to a place where you can stop worrying about your survival everyday and instead focus on your dreams and passions. 

Ready to make your recovery a priority this year? Then get started with private coaching HERE! 

My Story

I come to you not only as a wellness professional, but as someone who has recovered successful from Stage 3 adrenal fatigue without taking synthetic hormones and drugs.

I am also a recovering stress-o-holic and multi-tasker extraordinaire. Let me explain...

Starting at 15, it was just my mother and I. I had quite a lot of responsibility. As a teenager, I worked several jobs while going to college-prep high school (graduating with honors). Then I went on to college where I not only paid my rent and bills, but also had to put myself through college working several jobs with a full load of classes. Then straight into my professional life where I juggled several professions at a time. I spent over a decade burning the candle at both ends.

One day, this yoga teacher and daily yoga practitioner woke up to find herself not only mentally overwhelmed and emotional unhappy and unavailable, but suffering from several chronic conditions (hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism), severe allergies, food sensitivities, skin issues, chronic and debilitating exhaustion and very poor digestion. And the worst of it, this health crisis kept me from having children for several years and was the result of my miscarriage at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

 I remember lying on my bathroom floor crying from the physical pain and from the heartbreak of my devastating loss. That was my big wake up call.

This is not at all what I signed up for. I knew something had to change or else I would be miserable for the rest of my life, unable to have children and taking harsh meditations. Then, I made a promise to myself. I was going to get to the bottom of my health issues, say goodbye to my old patterns, slow down and start making ME a priority. I refused to settle for anything less. This was the start of my healing journey.

Luckily with the help of a health coaches, spiritual mentors and a Naturopathic doctor I used nutrition, mindfulness and stress reduction practices and natural hormone therapy to heal my adrenals and free myself from overwhelming stress and anxiety.

I am now living the most vibrant, fulfilling and balanced life EVER. I have more than enough energy to run a business, a home and be a fully present mother to my son. I said goodbye for good to my addiction to incessant doing and accomplishing and I have dedicated my life to helping others live the life they deserve and desire by giving them all the tools they need to go from a life of exhaustion and stress to living with high energy and happiness. 

Even though, I still have a amazing superpower to get a lot done in one day, I now strive to BE MORE and DO LESS each day. So when I do take action and want or need to accomplish lots, it is with more awareness and choice. This way I am able to love and nourish myself in the process rather than stress myself out and damage my body. I use my intuition to guide me and trust so I will get done exactly what needs to get done that day and nothing more.  

And sure, that quest is never really over, but because I committed fully to that endeavor to healing on multiple levels, I have emerged as the most vibrant and authentic version of myself that I could ever imagine.

How would your life be different if you...

Learned how to find more balance each day and nourish yourself?

Learned how to cope better with stress?

Only ate foods that supported your healing?

Got quality sleep and woke up rested?

I can help YOU make IT all possible!

If you're ready to fully heal and choose to be the fullest expression of you, I'm here to help! Get started with private coaching HERE!