Supplement Hacks for Common Adrenal Fatigue Complaints

Supplement Hacks for Common Adrenal Fatigue Complaints

Some of the symptoms are often so common that we come to see them as normal— fatigue, feeling tired in the morning, anxiety, sleep issues, etc. While others are less common and a bit more worrying.

Today, I want to address some of the most common complaints we hear about in our Adrenal Fatigue Community on Facebook and give you a few supplement tips that you can use to help with them.

My 3 Weirdest Daily Rituals To Keep My Hormones Balanced & Adrenals Happy

Today I’m giving you a peek into a few of my daily rituals. Today I’m sharing ones that keep my hormones balanced and adrenals happy. I’m warning you, they might seem pretty weird.

If you have been following us for a while now, it’s no surprise. If you’re new to me/us, I practice and share out-of-the-box tips and tricks to heal the body. I pull from Ayurvedic medicine from India and Acupuncture from China. From my point of view, this is the real, traditional medicine.

Identifying and treating the root cause rather than the symptom, just makes WAY more sense to me. That’s just me, no judgement. We all have to do what works for us, 100%.

All medicine has its place. Modern medicine saved my husband after a bad biking accident, so ya know, there is that.

Well, I digress. So I was talking about rituals. My rituals.

So why rituals? As a Certified Health Coach for the past 10 years I know that…

Having the life, the body and the health you desire is all about rituals or daily routines. Doing things consistently each day is the SECRET!

Daily rituals that support your 1) mental, 2) emotional, 3) physical and 4) spiritual health. And if you neglect one area, you will most likely experience complications at some point.

So ready to learn a few of my rituals? Particularly my rituals to support your hormones and adrenals? Here they are:

3 Weirdest Daily Rituals to Keep My Hormones Balanced and My Adrenals Happy

Daily Ritual #1: Activate the Thymus with the Thymus Thump

The thymus is a little gland located behind the sternum. Although it’s small and not often talked about, it has a big job. It produces T-cells. What are T-cells exactly and what do they do for us?

T-cells are a type of white blood cell made for the immune system. They help us better fight infection, heal faster, create more calm in our bodies, boost our energy and protect us against autoimmune diseases.

If you suffer from adrenal fatigue most likely you're dealing with a poor immune system, autoimmune conditions and infections. So giving your thymus gland some attention each day, could be very powerful in your recovery.

Like all organs, our glands do their job without us thinking about it. So why do we need to activate this gland? Well it’s said that around puberty our thymus function is at its peak and after that starts to work less effectively.

Is that why we start to get sick more often and problems start to arise in our 20s and early 30s? Well, it’s an interesting connection or theory, but that’s not what we are focusing on today.

How do we keep this gland working optimally as we get older? We just need to give it a bit of love and attention. And that’s why I love (and do everyday) the thymus thump.

Ritual #1 Thymus Thump Exercise

Click here to watch my YouTube video on how to do the Thymus Thump

Daily Ritual #2: Gaze up at Your Third Eye

I learned this in my early yoga and meditation days. It was an exercise I did at the start of my yoga practice. Although simple, it seemed to create a powerful shift in my mental state, that was hard to explain.

What is the third eye all about? The third eye, or the space between the eyebrows, is what’s known as a chakra. A chakra is a center in the human body for spiritual power.

In ancient traditions from India, they say when you gaze up at the third eye you are activating the pituitary gland. The pituitary is the master gland of the body controlling the entire glandular system. This includes the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas and reproductive organs.

The Pituitary glands secretes hormones that affect growth, blood pressure, metabolism, reproduction, digestion and so much more.

So you can see why it’s an important gland to know and activate to heal your body holistically, right? Especially from hormone-related conditions like adrenal fatigue?

On a more spiritual plane, the third eye is the doorway to our intuitive wisdom. So I like to think about it like this...our 2 eye show us the physical, tangible world and objects. Our third eye helps us see the unseen, our inner knowing.

I know it’s a bit deep and woo-woo, but that’s me. I have many of my first-time meditators try this practice. Most all of them report and admit to feel a shift of some sort and a calming effect. And the best part, it only takes a minute to practice.

Ritual #2 Third Eye Gazing Exercise

So go ahead and try it. Here’s what you will do…

  1. Close your eyes

  2. Gaze IN and UP between your eyebrows, your 3rd eye space

  3. As you gaze, take 5 deep inhales and exhales

  4. After the 5 cycles of breath, notice how you feel

Daily Ritual #3: Ear Massage

Do you know a child who tugs or plays with their ear/s or someone else’s? This is pretty common, actually. Why? Well, tugging, pulling or massaging the ear can create a sense of calm or relaxation for the individual.

Massage is a common practice used to relieve stress and anxiety. However, one doesn’t often think of the ears, as area of stress.

In fact, the ears have a great number of nerve endings and have powerful acupressure points? It’s so powerful, ear massage has an actual name, it’s called auriculotherapy.

When these areas are massaged and activated it can have great benefits for the entire body.

The benefits of ear massage/reflexology

-Releases positive endorphins giving you a feeling of happiness

-Boosts the immune system from awakening the senses

-Energizes the body

-Improves concentration

-Creates a sense of calm

This practice takes about 30-60 seconds and can have a powerful and positive effect on the body.

Ritual #3 Ear Massage Exercise

Grab your favorite body oil or lotion, coconut, olive oil, jojoba, etc. and start at the top of the ear and massage slowly all the way down the ear to the earlobe. Massage all the different parts, inside and outside. Enjoy!

In Conclusion

What if having great health didn’t have to be so hard? What if it’s about giving our bodies just a bit more positive attention and care on a daily basis?

Let’s not lose this traditional healing wisdom that teaches us that we can keep our bodies healthy and disease-free with simple and quick daily practices, attention and awareness.

Which ritual are you most excited to try and why?

Love, Angela

3 Common Habits Exhausting Your Adrenals - the less obvious things

If you’ve been suffering from adrenal fatigue for some time now, most likely you’ve been working hard to change some old habits so you can recover, right?

You’ve given up coffee. You’ve eliminated common allergens. You’re going to bed earlier.

Today, I’m not talking about these more common (or obvious) things.

Rather, I’m talking about habits around your stress patterns. Because you could be doing all the “right” things in ALL the other areas (food, supplements, sleep…) but if you’re not learning how to cope with stress, you’re honestly cancelling out ALL your efforts everywhere else.

For example, you could be eating all the right foods and doing all the right things to keep your blood sugar balanced, but daily stress is going to make your blood sugar spike just like that cake or processed foods you’ve been avoiding for months. It’s called stress-induced blood sugar rise.

So, don’t let your efforts go to waste. Let’s make sure you kick these 3 common habits exhausting your adrenals, to the curb for good, starting today! Sound good?

Here are the 3 common habits exhausting your adrenals:

Habit #1: Rushing Through Your Day

Are you kinda obsessed with getting things done? With being really efficient? In our society speed is rewarded right? We often like to see how much we can cram into one day. We are so focused on DOING that even taking a few minutes of meditation can seem like a “waste” of time, as it will break our productive flow.

But, is your rushing around actually giving you extra time? Does it help you do things better? Or is rushing around just stressing you out, not making you fully PRESENT in your life and hurting your body?

What happens when you’re stressed. For many of  us, we slouch over the computer or the sink, clench our jaws, we bite our nails and tense up a lot of different muscle groups.

And is your stress and your rushing negatively affecting the people around you?

So when I become aware of my rushing I like to ask myself, “why am I rushing”? Do I really need to be rushing? Am I rushing so I can actually do something truly worth doing? Or just to watch TV or skim social media? Or is this rushing just a habit?

Do This Instead of Rushing

  1. When you become aware that you’re rushing don’t judge yourself, just notice.

  2. Ask “what would it take for me to learn to slow down?”

  3. Take 3 deep breaths

  4. Focus fully on the task at hand, being present with the experience the smells, the sight, the sounds, the touch

  5. Think of one thing you are grateful for in that moment

Habit #2: Being a control freak

Many of us who suffer from adrenal fatigue fall under an A-type personality. But even if you’re not A-type, you still most likely are guilty of wanting to control things.

Here are signs you might be a control freak:

  1. You have a hard time delegating tasks to others

  2. You’re a perfectionist

  3. You’re moody

  4. You judge other’s behaviors or choices

  5. You like to micromanage others

  6. You get irritable or angry easily

If these sound familiar, you might want to consider learning how to let go of some of that control. Why? Wanting to control everything...

  1. Takes a toll on your mental health

  2. Wastes a lot of your precious energy and time

  3. Exhausts you adrenals

Habit #3: Worrying about everything

Do you worry too often what other people think? Do you spend a lot of time imagining catastrophic outcomes? Do you go to worse case scenario often?

According to WebMD, excessive worrying can lead to all sorts of health issues, including headaches, nausea, muscle aches, shortness of breath, depression and even heart attacks.

If this is you, then I’m here to give you a little bit of tough love.

You’re putting your energy in the wrong places.

There might be something underneath the worry that you need to look at, but that’s another blog for another day.

Sometimes, instead of trying to prevent the storm from coming, we need to prepare yourselves for the storm. What if you believed you could handle any storm?

Sometimes I like to even go to worse case scenario. I have cancer and I die. I know, harsh and not a fun thought. But, that is part of life and I find it to be a good exercise. It reminds me that whatever happens, I will be okay. I surrender and trust the process, the universe, the forces at be.

You can incorporate mantras like these:

I can handle whatever life throws at me with grace.

The universe has my back.

I am safe. I am protected always.

So we’ve discussed 3 daily habits making (or keeping) us sick. I’ve shared some tips and tools for creating new habits. Let’s talk a bit more about that, shall we?

How to Let Go Of These 3 Daily Habits To Rock Your Recovery

  1. The first step to letting go of these draining habits is to be aware you’re doing them. And do this without judgement. Even chuckle at yourself.

  2. Honor what comes up when you become aware of the behavior.  

  3. See what’s underneath the control without making it so significant. This might be a good time to get out the old journal and do a little processing

  4. Ask yourself HONESTLY, “Am I ready to let go of this habit?”

  5. If you’re ready, then ask “what would it take to let go of this _____(rushing, control, worrying).

  6. Practice meditation to release the need to rush, to control everything and to worry. In, Chaos 2 Calm, my meditation album I offer 10 powerful meditations to help you do just that. Ready to start trusting yourself and the universe?

It’s important to be compassionate with yourself. We all are guilty of these habits at one time or another. What matters is your willingness to change it. I honor you for doing this work so you can have greater health, you deserve it.

I’m proud of you for getting real with yourself, aren’t you?

Love, Angela

Got Sleep Issues? Stop Doing This.

Got Sleep Issues? Stop Doing This.

Sleep issues and insomnia are prominent issues for those with adrenal dysfunction or HPA dysregulation.

When it comes to improving our sleep, it’s obvious we want to notice results quickly (overnight if you will), but sometimes when we are addressing our hormones and correcting imbalances with the hormone fluctuations in our sleep/wake cycle, the results don’t present themselves this way… especially when using natural supplements and when shifting our habits.


Do you feel overwhelmed with all the things you feel you need to do on your recovery journey?

This has been coming up A LOT this week with a handful of our clients. They are SO ready to recover, that they’re diving in head-first with our recovery programs - wanting to implement all the things, like yesterday ;).

Or some are having a few great days and then back down again. They are annoyed, confused and discouraged!!

If you can relate, read on because today I’m going to give you some tips and tricks so you don’t get trapped in the mentality that you have to DO so much, all at once. Let’s keep you out of a state of overwhelm and moving forwards, not back. Sound good?

**With that said, I am proud of each of you for all the efforts you are making. However, I do want to indicate something VERY important, so you can actually recover.**

For many of us, over-doing is what got us here (in adrenal fatigue or related) in the first place. You’re most likely REALLY GOOD at doing a LOT, am I right? (my hand is up).

The universe is screaming loud and clear to me, as a coach, telling me this is the perfect topic for today.

(By the way, something I STILL have to remind myself of every day)

Is it WHAT we do, or HOW we do it?

Or as Lou Holtz and Lena Horne put it….It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.

It’s a good topic to bring to the table. I don’t know the answer for you, but for me it’s been a little of both.

If what you’re doing right now isn’t working for you and your body - consider these….


(Let's focus on the HOW we do things, as well as the WHAT, shall we?) #7 is the most important, so don’t miss it!


When you’re doing all the things, are you rushing? Do you feel you’re always racing against the clock? What if you still did all the things that you feel you NEEDED to do every day, but you slowed it WAY down? How would that contribute to your body?

If you’re guilty, like me of rushing even when you don’t need to, practice these 3 things: 1) ask yourself when you’re feeling rushed“do I need to be rushing?” most often I find that I don’t need to be. 2) Take a deep breath 3) Ground through your feet.

Start practicing moving slower? Like literally walk slower, brush your teeth slower…What if you did the dishes with more attention and focus, just being in the moment?

What if slowing down is exactly what your body, God or the universe has been suggesting all this time?

What if you did less not because you are bedridden, burnt-out and had no other choice, but from a place of, I’m gonna nurture myself and rest because that’s what my body requires today?

What if slowing down is what’s required for your body to heal? What if doing things that nurtured you was the medicine you required most?

What did that feel like when you read it? Did you tingle? Cool! Was a weight lifted? Awesome!

Did it frankly, piss you off? Okay, good ;)  


If you’re like me, you love to-do lists. So, get in the habit of adding AT LEAST one nurturing activity to your to-do list EVERY SINGLE DAY. For example, a bath a walk in nature, a foot massage, listening to music, going to a coffee shop and reading a book.

Sometimes this is hard for people, so here’s a quick exercise. Write down a list of 5 things you would do if you had an entire day to yourself, no obligations, no dishes, no errands, no kids, no dogs, no partner. It might be harder than you think, but if you do it you might be surprised what comes up. Put it on your fridge and start adding those things to your to-do list.


Isn’t life supposed to be fun!!! What would it take to have more fun in YOUR life each day? Commit to having more fun with all the things. And only do things if they feel LIGHT or it BRING YOU JOY. Or make it fun so it DOES bring you joy.

Put your favorite music on when you’re working around the house or commuting. Listen to peaceful music, a meditation or a motivational speaker when you’re doing things that normally bring you stress.

You can ask yourself right when you wake up…What would it take for me to have more fun today?


When you have a day full of things to do, commit to listening to your body. Schedule in breaks using reminders/alarms on your phone. This way you can check in with yourself and listen to the warning signs of pushing yourself too far, before it’s too late. Avoid the crash or taking 2 steps back.


How often do you give yourself a recovery day? Especially after a big day? What if you planned ahead a bit more and when you knew you were going to have a big day, make the next day a YOU day and more importantly don’t have any judgement about it. Enjoy it! Yes, you might feel tired, but that’s okay. Fill it with things that nourish and nurture you.


If you have a hard time saying no or asking for what you want or need from a co-worker, boss, partner, child, this is one of my favorite lines. “Sorry that doesn’t work for me.” You can say this many ways, but if you say it calmly and in a way that honors you and the other person, it should go over fairly well.


It’s easy for us to be on autopilot, just go through the motions each day, thinking the same thoughts as we did the day before, repeating the same habits and expecting a different result. But as Einstein says, that’s the definition of insanity!

When you are doing all the things, what’s your mentality? Are you resentful, angry? Are you trying to prove something? If so, notice that and practice changing it.

Most of us who suffer from adrenal fatigue feel like we need to do it all and do it well to feel worthy. And most often HOW we’re doing things, our attitude is what’s breaking us down.


When I talk about shifting mindset, what often comes up for people is that they feel like they’re faking it when they try to shift their thoughts. Yes, the common affirmation such as “I’m happy, life is so good!” doesn’t work for most.

It’s not about faking it and pretending you’re happy. Instead it’s about bringing your attention to something you CAN be happy about. See the difference?

Your bed, your partner, your dog, the grass, the weather….whatever you can find OR

Or ask a question that gets you out of your current funk.

Ask a question that creates a new possibility and gets you out of the conclusion that you’ve made. For example:  “what would it take for me to have more awareness of what my body is trying to tell me here.” or “Body what do you require to have more ease or more energy...?”

In case you’re new to me, here are my key steps to mindset shifting… When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about life, your body, your symptoms:

1) Acknowledge it, staying out of judgment

2) Honor it by saying “Okay, I’m feeling ______!”

3) Make a choice either to stay in it or get out of it (you always have a choice)

4) If you want to get OUT of it… Then do the above, think of something to be happy about or something you’re grateful for or ask a question

It works, if you try it. You know why I know it works, because I’m human just like you and I too have things that challenge me, in my body, as a parent, my job, my finances. And, I’ve tried many of the healing modalities out there, from yoga, to meditation, to tapping, to reiki, to acupuncture, you name it I’ve tried it, I guarantee. And I’ve been using these techniques with my clients for years and I know what works.

But it only works if….



***YOU’RE ACTUALLY READY TO CHANGE  (are you okay with changing a bit of who you are currently).

WARNING: Brutal honesty moment.. Even though we say we want to change, deep down many of us don’t because somehow what we’ve created is working for us. It’s serving us or served a need in the past. And changing takes work, it takes stepping up. It takes courage. It’s takes being a bit different than maybe people around you. Are you used to complaining. Is everyone around you doing the same thing? Faking their happiness going through the motions? What if you’ve done that (yes, me for decades) and you’re ready to change that about yourself. It’s okay you can change it. Everyday is a new day. We weren’t meant to be so stagnant as human beings. Let’s evolve. We are supposed to grow and change! Don’t be afraid of it!  

So, I’m curious are you actually ready to change your mind, your attitude? like, really? If yes, awesome. If not, that’s totally cool too…. At least now you know.

If you’re super pissed off or annoyed, I get it. I’m a coach, coaches don’t help people create change and heal by being nice ;)


Are you feeling you could change your HOW? If so, what does that look like?