Important Dates + Monthly Program Updates

Hi everyone!
This is SO exciting! 
As you may be aware,  this membership program is brand, spanking new and there is so much amazing potential for what it could grow into right now.

We are so excited to be offering you ongoing support and assistance throughout your adrenal and hormonal recovery and we are thrilled to be able to work with you and for you to help make this membership experience something that not only helps you, but something you are deeply apart of and something that YOU are contributing to as well-- making the experience better for yourself and others too. How cool is that? 

To start things off, we recommend watching the intro videos and bookmarking the dashboard page into your bookmarks bar so you can access often and easily.  

We will be keeping things FRESH in this program, so get ready for new meal plans, monthly Q+A's/group trainings every month. 

 Here are some key dates to MAKE NOTE OF: 

1. The SECOND Thursday of every month: MEAL PLAN RELEASED

  • A new monthly meal plan will be released in the dashboard, monthly.

2. The THIRD Thursday of the month: Q+A CALl

  • We will have Q & A calls with one of our coaches, so make sure you get your questions ready. 

3. The Fourth Thursday of the Month: Group Training

  • We will pick an adrenal/hormone related topic of interest and have a virtual live group training. We'll be bringing you the very best of the best when it comes to information on the subject! 

Connecting with coaches and your revolution community

We know how easy it is to feel alone, frustrated and overwhelmed when you're struggling with the mystical symptoms of hormonal imbalance.  Let's all vow to do our best and show up for one another in the recovery community, whether it be jumping in to offer advice or support to another, asking questions that you've been having that others may be wondering about too, or just showing up and letting us know you're here, that you're with us and your showing up for yourself like you promised. 

Monthly Q+A: Track your questions

Keep track of your burning questions in our monthly Q+A log.
You can input them as you think of them and we will cover as many off as we can during the Q+A session for that month. 


** Don't worry if you can't attend live, these will be recorded and posted to the dashboard afterwards, so you will be able to listen whenever.**