Candida Overgrowth: 7 Signs & 10 Things You Must Know About Treatment

Are you dealing with the following symptoms?

  • Fatigue

  • Constipation

  • Brain Fog

  • Poor concentration

  • Cravings for sweets

  • Unexplained weight gain

  • Frequent urinary tract infections

If so, there is a chance you could have candida overgrowth.  In this blog, you will learn all you need to know about candida; symptoms & signs, causes, the different types of candida infections and treatment.

What is Candida?

Candida Albicans also known as Candidiasis or yeast overgrowth has become a hidden epidemic. It is becoming more and more of a major disease and can be found to be an underlying factor in many other diseases.

Candida yeast is a type of fungus. A fungus is a microorganism that is not beneficial for the body. Candida exists everywhere and we come into contact with it throughout the day on everything we touch, breathe and consume. However, this is not the problem. Candida is generally not a problem unless it overgrows and interferes with the balance of friendly bacteria in the body. Overgrowth can lead to many health concerns. A balance is always an indication of optimal health.

symptoms and signs

When we first think of Candida our thoughts involve women and yeast infections. This is one example of overgrowth, but Candidiasis affects both sexes and many age groups. Its main habitat is the digestive tract.  Other types of candida infection include:

  • White flaky skin

  • Vaginal discharge

  • Jock itch

  • Athlete’s foot

  • Heavy coated white tongues

  • Colic and thrush in children

Candida can show up in many ways, present with many or no symptoms and can lead to symptoms of fatigue, constipation, fuzzy thinking, poor concentration, lethargy, weight gain, and many more symptoms. If you think you are dealing with a candida infection, treatment can be given. especially if it is the cause of the problem.

Candida Treatment

With proper treatment, Candida Albicans can be healed in a short amount of time (unless there are other underlying causes). Treatments must include 3 important components:



3. DETOX PROTOCOLS  (to remove toxins from the body as well as enable and optimize the body’s innate ability to do its daily requirements)

9 Things You Need to Know About Treatment:

  1. To ‘cure’ candida it is necessary to destroy as many microorganisms or unfriendly bacteria as possible and restore a healthful balance of friendly bacteria within the body.

  2. With proper treatment, a wholesome diet, and lifestyle changes, Candida Albicans can be healed within months (unless other underlying causes prolong the treatment)

  3. Candida overgrowth can recur at any time the body’s immune system and energy levels reach a low state for a period of time. A weakened body creates a breeding ground for all types of unfriendly microorganisms

  4. Traces of candida can remain in the body even after treatment

  5. New yeast cells can easily enter the body from the outside sources daily

  6. A healthy individual maintains enough friendly bacteria in the body to counteract and prevent overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria and therefore prevent the overgrowth of candida

  7. For successful treatment, all yeast cells present in the body must be eliminated and keep the body strong for any contact in future with daily doses of yeast

  8. A person must raise the body’s health and wellness levels to avoid recurrence of infection and yeast overgrowth. This is where diet and lifestyle play a major role in the optimization of health

  9. Cleansing programs can assist the body to heal, boost the immune system and help remove candida yeast from the body

  10. Once treatment is successful, yeast growth in the body may be controlled by taking supplements, and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.


Candidiasis, or yeast overgrowth can present in many different ways. It can be the cause of the symptoms one may be experiencing. Treatment will depend on the health of the individual as well as any other underlying causes that have not been addressed. Overall, yeast is present everywhere and the goal is to create an optimal state of health that prevents overgrowth from occurring. A balanced diet and lifestyle are important for everyone’s treatment.